Education Projects

Removal of asbestos by Quilling within School Plant Room

An Abrasive blasting technique


MSS undertook a project to quill a large area of plant and tank rooms at a secondary school for ISG. This 24 day project utilising a team of 5 trained operatives undertook the work to remove insulation snobs from surfaces to ensure that no ACMs were left in-situ.

Quilling is an abrasive blasting technique involving mechanically jetting grit onto surfaces to strip away the top layer. We utilised a quill falcon to carry out this work, which jet's out water as well as grit, thereby wetting asbestos fibres and reducing the risk to the operatives. Additionally it improves visibility within the enclosure.

This method is time consuming but extremely effective at removing ACM's in this scenario. Use of the quill falcon requires specialist training.

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