Waste Management Projects
Binder Plant Tank Purge & Disposal of Hazardous Materials
Disposal of 53T of Potassium Hydroxide / Ammonium Sulphate / Ammonia Solution (EWC 161002)
Our Waste Managers planned and managed the complex task of purging tanks on the binder plant for one of our manufacturing clients. Purged materials included Potassium Hydroxide Solution, Ammonium Sulphate Solution and Aqueous Ammonia Solution totaling 53T. These materials were taken off-site to be disposed of at a licensed facility.
The project was completed within 4 days and ahead of schedule.
The process was;
Day 1:
• Completed H&S brief and PTW on site.
• Coupled water feed line for the bulk KOH tank.
• Commenced discharging water into the bulk KOH tank and continued to monitor levels within the tank. At the point of the access manway water began leaking from the gasket. Pumping ceased to investigate. No means to stop the leak. pH of material leaking showed a pH value of <11, which was the target pH set.
• Some issues with the pipes, pumps and valves whilst pumping from the KOH tank to the reactor tank within the binder plant, downtime experienced. Pumping on / off until end of day.
Day 2:
• Continued pumping from the bulk KOH tank to the reactor tank within the binder plant until tank bulk KOH tank empty.
• All residues loaded onto vacuum tanker to be removed form site.
• Valves left in the open position and flanges 'cracked' to indicate empty lines.
• Work commenced on (NH4)2SO4 lines from bulk storage tank in readiness for work to commence
Day 3:
• Completed alterations of pipework on (NH4)2SO4 pipefeed to the reactor tank in the binder plant.
• Commenced purging with towns water using AOD pumping equipment.
• Monitored feed and flow into the reactor tank, emptying contents as required until a total or 5000litres of purging water had been fed through the lines.
• On completion of works removed fittings and left flange to binder plant 'open' to indicate empty lines.
• Work commenced on NH4OH line. Valves isolated and reinstated within 30 minutes of taking the plant off line causing no disruption to production.
Day 4:
• Set up abatement equipment outside of binder plant. Tested equipment, all tested OK.
• Commenced purging with towns water using AOD pumping equipment into the reactor tank.
• Continuously monitored ammonia in the binder plant room and at the output of the abatement equipment. At output of the abatement equipment a maximum value of 3ppm of ammonia was measured.
• Continued to monitor NH4OH within the purging water until the target value of <400 mg/l was achieved.
• Purging water from the reactor tank loaded onto vacuum operated waste tanker.
• Rerouted purge feed from the reactor tank to tank 3 of the binder plant and commenced pumping.
• Monitored NH4OH within the purging water within tank 3 until the target value of <400 mg/l was achieved.
• Purging water from tank 3 loaded onto vacuum operated waste tanker.
• Valves left in the open position and flanges 'cracked' to indicate empty lines.
- All equipment cleaned down and removed from site.